freelancer skill that will get you hired

You may be wondering if now is a good time to learn new skills. After all, you have a lot on your plate and you’re not sure if you have the time or energy to invest in something new.

But what if I told you that learning new freelancer skills will get you hired faster and make more money? It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not.

The demand for freelance professionals is always increasing.

If you want to be competitive in the job market and land high-paying positions, you need to hone your skillsets and learn new skills as needed.

But which are the most sought-after skills right now?

This post will provide you with an answer to that, and the following questions, so keep reading.

1. What are the latest trends in freelancing and technology that you need to know about

2. How can you improve your skills in order to stay competitive

3. Which skills should you focus on first if you want to make more money as a freelancer

4. What resources are available to help you learn new skills quickly and easily

5. How can you stay motivated when learning new skills that may be challenging at first

6. What tips do you have for overcoming hurdles and becoming successful with new skillsets?

Freelancer Skills That Will Get You Hired Faster & Earn More Money

So how do these skills help you get hired and help earn more money?

Well, for one thing, having new skills means that you’ll be able to offer your clients more services. Plus, if you’re an expert in a certain field, then it’s likely that you’ll be hired faster.

That means more money for you!

Whether it’s saving up for retirement or paying off student loans, it’s always a good idea to make more money.

Plus, having extra money can be motivating and exciting!

There are a number of reasons why you might want to learn new skills, but here are just a few:

– You want to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies so you can offer your clients the best possible services

– You want to be more competitive when applying for jobs

– You want to diversify your skillset to make yourself more appealing to clients

– You want to earn more money as a freelancer


Copywriting is a very popular freelance skill right now. Many businesses need help writing sales pages, blog posts, website copy, email newsletters, and press releases.

If you have these skills under your belt, you’ll be able to charge high prices for your services.

Social Media & Community Management

Social media is one of the best ways to reach potential customers.

Businesses are looking for freelancers that can help them manage their social media profiles, create engaging content, and engage with existing users on the various platforms.

If you have any experience in this area, it will definitely help you land gigs.

Accounting & Finance

Finance & accounting are becoming increasingly important in business, especially for consulting firms.

If you have any experience keeping the books or making sense of financial statements—it’s likely that hiring managers will be very interested in your services.

These skills are certainly not required but if you have them—they’re definitely worth highlighting on your resume and portfolio.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) & Digital Marketing

If you have a background in marketing or digital advertising, you’ve hit the freelancing jackpot!

Businesses are looking for professionals who can help them market their products and services online.

This means you’ll need to know how to create compelling content, design websites, build social media pages and profiles, and more.

Knowing SEO (search engine optimization) will also be a huge plus for your resume and might even earn you some extra cash on the side with freelance gigs.

Although SEO experience isn’t a requirement for most jobs in this industry, it will help you secure gigs and even command higher rates than other freelancers.

Employers know how important it is to have their websites optimized for search engines and they’ll be willing to pay more if you’ve got the skills they need.

Web Design & Graphic Design

If you have any skills in web design or graphic design, you’ll be in high-demand.

Businesses are always looking for freelancers that can help them create compelling landing pages, email templates, infographics and other visual assets, etc.

The good news here is that you can charge high prices for your work.

UX/UI Design

UX & UI design are very popular skills right now and they’re in high demand due to the increasing importance of user experience within enterprise organizations.

If you have any experience designing mobile apps or websites, companies will be able to recognize the value your skillset brings to their business.

Just make sure you highlight these skills on your resume and portfolio.

3D Modelling

3D modelling is another skill that’s in high demand right now and if you have experience with this technology, employers will be happy to pay your rate higher than someone who doesn’t have these skills.

This is because 3D modelling is an important part of many businesses, especially in the web, advertising, and film industries.

Programming Skills

If you have one or more programming language under your belt, you’re in luck. These days, many businesses are looking for freelancers who have expertise in PHP, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, .Net (C#), and JavaScript (Node.js). Web development is rapidly changing which means you can’t be afraid to learn new languages and technologies.


Python is a very popular programming language (used for an increasing number of projects) that businesses are willing to pay top dollar for. If you understand how this technology works and can implement it into their IT infrastructure, employers will be falling over themselves to get you on board.

Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics

Machine learning has emerged as one of the most in-demand skills at the moment, so having this skill under your belt can be very helpful when applying to jobs or working on freelance projects for clients. Even if you’re not an expert in the field, having a general understanding of how this technology works and what it can do is very valuable.

If you’ve got experience using any of these skills, know how to work with them, and can put together a portfolio that shows off your best work—employers will be lining up around the block to hire you as either a contractor or full-time employee.

Mobile & App Development

The demand for mobile app developers continues to grow. As more businesses are looking to get involved in the mobile space, they’re looking for freelancers who can help them build native apps for iOS and Android.

With the rise in mobile devices and the demand for apps, .

Although knowledge of these platforms is crucial, there are also many businesses that are looking to create cross-platform apps with Xamarin.

If you have the skillset to create native mobile apps, it’s a good idea to have experience building at least one mobile app so that you will be more attractive to employers.

Data Science & Big Data

If you have experience analyzing data or working with big data sets, you know how important it is to have this skill. Businesses are using data more than ever before and they’re looking for professionals who can help them make sense of it all. Employers want freelancers who can provide insights into their business decisions, so having a background in analytics, statistics, machine learning, data visualization, etc., will certainly give you an edge over the competition.

Having experience with big data can be a huge asset for IT consultants and freelancers who are looking to get hired quickly. This is because many companies that are growing quickly need someone who understands how they can use their data to their advantage, while still maintaining compliance during all stages of the process.

Customer Service & Support

Most businesses are interested in hiring freelancers who can provide support and services to their existing customer base. So if you have a background in customer service or providing tech support, these skills will help you land gigs that offer higher wages. Businesses know that good customer service is hard to come by, so they’re willing to pay more to the people who can provide it.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

CRM used to be a specialized skill reserved for a select few but it’s becoming more commonplace these days as businesses realize its importance in effectively managing customer relationships and growing their revenue. If you have any experience using popular CRM systems like Salesforce or SugarCRM, you’ll be able to command a high price for your services.

Project Management

Project management is also becoming an increasingly popular skill at the enterprise level. A lot of companies are getting rid of their full-time project managers in place of using freelancers or outsourcing the work to other countries, where it can be done more cheaply. Having these skills will make you an extremely valuable asset to any organization.

 General Business Acumen

Although this isn’t a specific skill, it can be very helpful when applying for freelance gigs or full-time positions within the industry. Having a better understanding of how businesses operate and knowing what makes them successful will put you ahead of other candidates looking to break into the industry.

Business Strategy & Planning

Having good business strategy skills will make you very desirable in the industry and give you a better chance of getting consulting or full-time jobs. If you can show employers that you have an understanding of the business environment, how organizations work internally, and what makes them successful—you’ll be in a much stronger position when applying for gigs or looking to get hired.

Security & Privacy

There’s a growing demand for employees who can help companies make sure they’re running securely and in compliance with government regulations. If you work as an IT security analyst or consultant, know how to keep the company’s data safe, and understand how to implement new measures—you’ll see yourself getting hired (and paid) pretty quickly.

GDPR (Genera Data Protection Regulation) and Privacy Policy Writing

Policy writing is becoming an increasingly necessary skill as governments and organizations come under increased scrutiny from their customers and the general public. It’s not easy to write policies that can satisfy everyone and this is where consultants and freelancers come in to bridge the gap. If you have any experience creating policies or guidelines, it’ll be very useful when applying for jobs and consulting gigs.

GDPR is a relatively new policy that’s gaining traction in many countries, including the United Kingdom and United States. If you’re familiar with this rule, know how it works, and can help businesses work within its guidelines—you’ll be a very valuable consultant and it will make you stand out from the crowd.

SaaS (Software as a Service) Consultant

Knowing how to manage SaaS technology is another skill that businesses are willing to pay more for. If you understand how this technology works and can help companies integrate it into their internal systems, you’ll definitely be sought after as a consultant and freelancer.


The blockchain is very complex technology that requires experienced IT professionals to implement it. If you’ve been working with this technology for several years, have a deep understanding of how it works, and know how businesses can benefit from using it—you’ll see yourself getting hired pretty quickly.


E-commerce is one of the most important aspects of business and will be for years to come. If you have a background in e-commerce you can show new businesses how they can benefit from using new technologies and marketing strategies, your rates as a consultant or freelancer will definitely be higher than others who don’t have any experience with it.

Creative Problem Solving

Creative problem solving is another increasingly popular skill in the industry and businesses are willing to pay top dollar for it. Since every organization faces unique challenges, having good creative problem-solving skills can help you not only secure jobs but also increase your rates as a freelancer. Employees who have these skills see themselves as more valuable to the company and are able to command higher salaries.

Next Steps

If you’re interested in learning a new skill, there are a number of options available to you.

Here are a few:

Learn online through tutorials and videos









LinkedIn Learning






Take a class at your local community college or university

– Attend seminars and workshops in your area (check out to find events near you)

– Attend conferences and trade shows in your industry (some examples include SXSW, OSCON, and MongoWorld)

As a freelancer, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies so you can offer your clients the best possible services. If you don’t have a skill in one of these fields, consider brushing up before applying for or accepting another project.

When it comes to learning new skills, there can be a number of common challenges that people face. Here are a few:

  1. Learning something new can be time consuming and challenging
  2. It can be difficult to stay motivated when you’re struggling with a new skill
  3. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up when you don’t see results immediately

These are just a few of the challenges that people face when learning new skills. But don’t worry, there are ways to overcome them. Here are a few tips:

– Set small goals and celebrate each accomplishment along the way

– Use resources available to you, such as online tutorials, classes, and workshops

– Connect with other people in your industry (online or in person) to share knowledge and get feedback

– Find local meetups, online forums, and chatrooms where you can ask questions and connect with others

If you’re ready to learn new skills and earn more money through freelancing, then here are some tips for success:

– Expand your client portfolio by taking on projects that you know will lead to future work with those clients

– Ask for higher rates and negotiate your fees

– Request bonuses and/or royalties for your services

– Deliver high quality work that exceeds expectations

– Be available to meet with clients at their convenience (e.g. flexible hours, on-call if needed).

In this economy, it’s a great way to set yourself apart from the competition and get ahead of the curve!

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